How can one person attain 10 while thousands don’t get one? Basically a Black Friday sale - capitalism at its worst. That’s the definition of unfair. Weeks of prep, and no reward, other than one guy on chat super happy while you’re sitting there wondering why you got screwed. Why not allow one purchase per person, and make anyone who wants more line up again to get another? I got a confirmation and upped the gas, but of course, without knowing how much should be added, it was a failed transaction.
I’ve not got loads of GHST but no will to spend them on tat you can’t use on a ghost you don’t own.
Mine was stuck at the approving spend GHST… Looking at the number of portals decreasing… 10k, 8k, 5k… 3k… Then I was able to click BUY, But then the next second… SOLD OUT!
Aaaaand now the fat cats with multiple portals are putting them up for sale for 1000 up to 250 thousand GHST on the Bazaar. This is what centralized control and resource scarcity looks like. Decentralize the portals. One per person. Then you have to actually sacrifice something to sell it on the Bazaar.
Yeah same here, it was stuck on the approving phase forever. It always seemed like you were super close to getting one, but nope. Really sucks for me and the people who were excited for this launch. Also I’m sure there were people like me who had to wake up at ridiculous times (4am), which just adds to the pain. Obviously there isn’t much that we can about it now, but it would be awesome if the second haunt was released soon so those who missed out can at least join in on the fun with their own Aavegotchi’s.
same, went it the same second it opened, still had 9996 portals left, when approved it was around 5100 and clicked buy… and that’s it. Even my ghost went to 0 for a few seconds and I thought I bought it but then the balance returned and stated sold out… common!!!
I’m proposing they send the requested number of portals to each individual whose TX failed due to network inefficiency. Just allow us to send evidence. That seems fair.
If you were in the discord voice as the launch happened all the devs were in there and one guy I dont know his name said it was gas related and to bump it up. so I adjusted it and got one portal.
I havent touched the gas price at all, just went with regular transaction on MATIC and it all went through properly. Maybe you increasing the gas price manually in hopes to get your transaction filled before others was the culprit for the issue.
every single one of these launches you better top out your gas if you want to compete with the big boys. better luck next time. demonstrates competition i doubt many people are surprised
I honestly regret being so unhappy at first. It’s entirely possible I got in before others but was denied, but it’s also possible that futsing around with gas price just because some guy said something about it on the audio stream cost me the prize. I would suggest an audit to see who got transactions denied before the final 10k was reached, and see if something can be done to appease those people, but I only just became involved in this a couple weeks ago. I don’t feel I’ve got as much of an understanding as others who worked for months possibly years and still got denied, so it should be more up to them than newcomers like myself.
I’ve jumped in at 10000! My transaction got approved on 9900, but then I’ve pressed BUY and observed all those 9900 portals faded. Sold immediately all GHST and ragequit! =(
Yeah i do wonder if people didn’t realise topping up the gas would allow you to jump the line a little? It’s not like the gas costs anything significant on this network
Yeah I feel your pain, months of prep and anticipation. The announcement regarding Biconomy was misleading and led me to believe that gas will be fixed and first in first served… Try to follow all the steps and got rekt
But Sir(I assume), you are very much misinformed. If you look at address 0xf09D1acBF092EC47970a2aA9e16Bc658b2ECf15e for example, he was able to buy not only 10, but 75! Much success