I have been thinking about potential alchemica sinks lately and one idea that I thought was from the concept of walls mentioned in one of the hangouts some months ago. So idea pitched there was to have two layers of walls, one being destructible by liquidators requiring re-install in the unfortunate event of destruction. Other type was more like a shield that replenishes which is only relevant to gotchis serving as barrier to prevent entering other people’s land to collect spill-over alchemica from harvester.
I think it would be a good idea to have upkeep costs for such barrier. Essentially being fueled by alchemica, a barrier to minimize spill over alchemica being taken away is very lucrative. No fuel, barriers are down. With the higher levels of barrier, increasing the costs in alchemica per second/hour to keep it active.
What could be potential benefits?
-For people who cannot be active 7/24 due to other activities, barrier is something nice to have, making non-collected alchemica from spill-over to potentially stay in the land longer.
-Engaging gameplay to find a sweet spot between production&collection to consumption of alchemica with harvesters, multiple lands and collecting alchemica in gotchiverse(like factorio).
-A driving force for playing with higher brs/better item equipped gotchis as barrier becomes more penetrable for a better stat gotchi. This assumes that only the gotchi who takes down the barrier can enter the land and does not attract naked gotchis like flies to shogun gotchi.
-The point above would reward OG gotchi owners in the renting/lending scheme since higher xp gotchis with better stats would have higher demand in renting for better chances of collecting more alchemica by breaking into lands.
-Engaging gameplay for the person trying get into the land as the barrier would ‘hit-back’ based on the level of it, potentially surviving and collecting the sweet sweet alchemica or getting rekt.
-Lot’s of let me in memes from the point above.
-Element of surprise, after successfully breaking in one can potentially find the efforts being in vain as there’s not a single alchemica to be collected or alternatively hitting the jackpot.
-To replenish damage from barrier, a special consumable/health potion can be crafted with alchemica, creating potentially another sink.
-Keeping the plebs away from land. Naked, low brs, newborn gotchis not being able to break in to other people’s lands super easy to collect alchemica is also a barrier of leveling in the gotchiverse. This is good for two things:
i) Rewards to loyal/early gotchi gang members who poured their heart/time into the project by providing some protection to their alchemica.
ii) We want people to stay engaged with the game/gain new players. This would prevent someone who hopped into train after gotchiverse v0.1 launch to collect alchemica to cash-out quickly after making some entry level gotchi purchase.
-In the longer run, the landlord who achieved a higher level of harvester with low spill-over may stop caring about the barrier as the cost to keep it up is not worth that much. When taken down, landlord gets only half of spent alchemica, other half gets burned. Without the upkeep, the gotchiverse may be just full of barriers whereas when the barriers are taken down when the landlord feels time is right, it would be much more frenly since we could roam freely in the gotchiverse without too much emphasis on ‘ownership of this area’. Gradually more open space, more interaction, more fun in gotchiverse!