Proposal for a New Haunt Immediately

sad barile. let us buy our gotchi

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How do we vote for a new one??

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Yea, I’m going to write out a separate topic opposing IMMEDIATE releasing of another haunt.

The comments here and desires to play the game are valid, but I think we have a rare opportunity here to see a drastic increase in the price of GHST, as well as massive profits for people who got portals and gotchis during this haunt.

I’ll outline my thoughts in a separate thread.

But the short version is -

We have the rest of the game to play, and enjoy and release haunts.

The FOMO and Supply v Demand component are within a limited window for ‘just launched projects’.


i think opening up another full haunt has some downsides as the whales will be there too, i’m just wondering whats possible within the matic network. if everyone who had a failed transaction got to purchase their initial order we would keep the secondary market and not be vulnerable to more whales or over saturation.


I vote for new portal


я разочаровался как и многие пользователи!!! по курсу токена Quick и GHST что многие с досадой покинули платформу. Мои транзакции не прошли я 4 раза отправлял… ждал это событие и начла года… очень расстроен… доступ к игре получили, спекулянты это грустно…

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its all on chain. easily verifiable to see which wallets got a portal.

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new haunt if it is less than 5000 portals.


Let’s open new Haunt. Too small quantity to buy.

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is it easy to see which wallets got stuck in approval?

Don’t hate, I was one lucky SOB and sure as heck not a whale. I do think having a Haunt soon would be appropriate, but maybe a “little” time and distance to consider all angles would be a good thing?

new haunt please. i made 3 txs to buy portals and not a single one went through. made one at 8000 remaining, 4000 remaining, and 1000 remaining

Now please ,Many people were left with a failed transaction

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same thing. its doable to look for failed transactions. all on chain.


New haunt please. I would like have a chance to play.

Those failed transactions just rubs salt in the wound at this point haha :0

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Alright. So here’s some insights that I want to share.

The problem we have right now is that Portals sold out and were immediately flipped in the Baazaar for frankly ridiculous prices.

Frankly, I am not willing to pay more than 1.2x the price of a Portal (unless said Portal has a pink Gotchi in it).

While we want a sense of rarity for our Gotchis, it is in our best interest to ensure that Gotchis are accessible to the small guy. Last thing we want is that Aavegotchi turns into reskinned CryptoPunks.

I propose that we ensure that the next Haunt should at least guarantee one Portal for addresses/users that do not have one yet. Strictly one per address for the meantime.


I got my portals without a glitch. I was very quick though and got portals around #200. However, the haunt needs to be more inclusive and fair. I agree, we need a new haunt ASAP.


yes, do it now. Many people want to play game

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I think if there is any action we should push for this instead of a new haunt, if the DAO gets in the habit of calling haunts it sort of defeats some of the purpose of owning rare digital items. i think the move would be to come up with a proposal for anyone who had failed transactions or approved ghost but didn’t get portals to be able to participate in some sort of secondary “Limited haunt”. instead of opening the whole thing up again